A2: Learning how to be Accessible

In this course you will be able to learn the ability of being approachable because wherever you are working under someone in an office, or you run your own business, this ability is the pillar to you career development


English course oriented to developing useful abilities in a business environment, regarding to accessibility at work. Your approachability or accessibility is measured in terms of how you convey yourself to others in terms of interest, your body language in response to others, and a good communication with co-workers. At work, if coworkers or customers deem you as unfriendly, cold or maybe intimidating, means you are seen as inaccessible. In this course you will notice it is possible to make yourself more approachable to others.

Lo que aprenderás

Students will be able to show their humanistic side
Students will be able to manage well
Students will be able to become more approachable at work

Contenido del Curso

The importance of being accesible. - 30 minutos

Remembering important events - 20 minutos

Smiling - 15 minutos

Smiling importance Test - 40 minutos

First listen, then talk - 15 minutos

Opening the Lines of Communication in the Workplace - 30 minutos

The Power Of Body language! - 30 minutos

Listening and body language Test - 40 minutos

Be supportive - 15 minutos

Genuine interest in others - 15 minutos

Be supportive & Genuine interest in others Test - 40 minutos

Socializing at work - 30 minutos

Socializing at work Test - 40 minutos

Learning how to be Accessible
     $Gratis     $ 99.000  
      100% de descuento
            Tienes la opcion de comprar el certificado emitido
          por la Universidad de la Costa por: $50.000 COP
 Precio en dólares: 17,00 US$

         Certificado por:
  Esto incluye:
  • 5 Lecciones teóricas
  • 4 Lecciones prácticas
  • 2 Objetos Virtuales de Aprendizaje
  • 1 Foro
  Duración: 6h
  Certificado por: Multidiomas Ltda
  Categoria: Inglés para negocios
  Autor:  Multidiomas Ltda
dioma:   español

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