A2: Entrepreneurship for everyone

In this course you will be able to learn the ability to become an entrepreneur, entrepreneurship is a term that comes from the French <> ("pioneer"), it refers to those people who make efforts to achieve a goal


English course oriented to developing useful abilities in a business environment, regarding entrepreneuership for everyone. Entrepreneurship is a term that has had a progressive growth throughout history, especially in 2020 when a pandemic changed the course of humanity, many people have seen the need to overcome economic problems that arose as a result of covid-19; entrepreneurship not only encompasses economic development, but also social change, knowledge, technological advance, competitiveness, innovation; these topics will be studied in this course, as well as the entrepreneurial process to contribute to society, most important skills and attitudes an enterpreneur should have, so that everyone without any distinction can start a business.

Lo que aprenderás

Students will be able to create a business launch presentation and use Digital Marketing
Students will be able to get entrepreneurial skills
Students will be able to create value in an organization
Students will be able to understand relevant concepts of entrepreneurship

Contenido del Curso

What is entrepreneurship? - 30 minutos

Concepts of entrepreneurship - 20 minutos

Entrepreneurship and Innovation - 15 minutos

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Test. - 40 minutos

Entrepreneurial skills - 15 minutos

Evolution of entrepreneurship - 30 minutos

Creating value - 30 minutos

Entrepreneurial skills & Creating Value Test. - 40 minutos

Profit organizations - 15 minutos

Non-profit organizations - 15 minutos

Profit and Non-Profit Organizations Test. - 40 minutos

Business launch presentation & digital marketing - 30 minutos

Business Launch Presentation & Digital Marketing Test. - 40 minutos

Entrepreneurship for everyone.
     $Gratis     $ 99.000  
      100% de descuento
            Tienes la opcion de comprar el certificado emitido
          por la Universidad de la Costa por: $50.000 COP
 Precio en dólares: 17,00 US$

         Certificado por:
  Esto incluye:
  • 5 Lecciones teóricas
  • 4 Lecciones prácticas
  • 2 Objetos Virtuales de Aprendizaje
  • 1 Foro
  Duración: 6h
  Certificado por: Multidiomas Ltda
  Categoria: Inglés para negocios
  Autor:  Multidiomas Ltda
dioma:   español

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