A2: Eliminate procrastination

English course oriented to developing useful abilities in a business environment, regarding to procastination


English course oriented to developing useful abilities in a business environment, regarding to procastination. Procrastination, delay or postponement is the habit of delaying action or activities or relevant situations that need to be attended. Postponing pending issues, or leaving for tomorrow what you could do today, is a very human habit called procrastination, which is related to regular psychological health, because there is a connection between people who leave everything to the last minute and anxiety problems , stress or depression.

Lo que aprenderás

Students will be able to eliminate procastination
Students will be able to use time management techniques
Students will be able to tracking their success

Contenido del Curso

What is procrastination? - 30 minutos

Time management - 20 minutos

To-Do List - 15 minutos

Time management Test - 40 minutos

Check List - 15 minutos

Strategies to overcome procrastination - 30 minutos

Track your success in a notebook! - 30 minutos

Tracking your success Test - 40 minutos

Using post-it notes - 15 minutos

Calendar - 15 minutos

Using post-it notes and Calendar Test - 40 minutos

Use a Diary! - 30 minutos

The Diary use Test - 40 minutos

Eliminate procrastination
     $Gratis     $ 99.000  
      100% de descuento
            Tienes la opcion de comprar el certificado emitido
          por la Universidad de la Costa por: $50.000 COP
 Precio en dólares: 17,00 US$

         Certificado por:
  Esto incluye:
  • 5 Lecciones teóricas
  • 4 Lecciones prácticas
  • 2 Objetos Virtuales de Aprendizaje
  • 1 Foro
  Duración: 6h
  Certificado por: Multidiomas Ltda
  Categoria: Inglés para negocios
  Autor:  Multidiomas Ltda
dioma:   español

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