A1: Learn to become a confident public speaker

English course oriented to developing useful abilities in a business environment. In this course you will be able to learn the ability to become a confident public speaker


English course oriented to developing useful abilities in a business environment, regarding to oral communication in public, a speaker is a person who speaks in public either giving talks, dissertations and speeches inherent to a subject that he/she dominates, or it may be an individual who assumes the role of speaker in a particular circumstance that leads him to deliver a speech, or a few improvised words before a large audience, but being a public speaker involves many things and skills the speaker must to learn, in this course you will learn tips to be prepared for a speech, styles of speech, and how to practice before giving a speech.

Lo que aprenderás

Students will be able to to overcome fear in public speaking
Students will be able to being a public speaker
Students will be able to understand and list the structure of a speech

Contenido del Curso

What is public speaking? - 30 minutos

Public speaker in a business world - 20 minutos

What involves being a public speaker? - 15 minutos

Public speaker in a business world & Being a public speaker Test - 40 minutos

Styles of speech - 15 minutos

Structure of a speech - 30 minutos

How to overcome fear in public speaking? - 30 minutos

Overcoming fear in public speaking Test - 40 minutos

Preparation for a speech - 15 minutos

Practice for a speech - 15 minutos

Preparation and practice for a speech Test - 40 minutos

Tips for an online speech - 30 minutos

Tips for an online speech Test - 40 minutos

A1: Learn to become a confident public speaker
     $Gratis     $ 99.000  
      100% de descuento
            Tienes la opcion de comprar el certificado emitido
          por la Universidad de la Costa por: $50.000 COP
 Precio en dólares: 17,00 US$

         Certificado por:
  Esto incluye:
  • 5 Lecciones teóricas
  • 4 Lecciones prácticas
  • 2 Objetos Virtuales de Aprendizaje
  • 1 Foro
  Duración: 6h
  Certificado por: Multidiomas Ltda
  Categoria: Inglés para negocios
  Autor:  Multidiomas Ltda
dioma:   español

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