A1: How to become a more efficient critical thinker

English course oriented to develop useful abilities in a business environment. In this course you will be able to learn the ability to make decisions, solve problems and take action systematically by logic


English course oriented to develop useful abilities in a business environment, regarding to becoming a more efficient critical thinker. Although critical thinking is not something new, until the end of the 90's it has become a requirement for a successful person at the business level, previously most of the employees were agriculturalists or worked in factories, but with global business advancement, the most important virtue required for employees is to have good critical thinking. In this course you will learn all the skills and attitudes that a good critical thinker possesses and it will undoubtedly make you excel at work.

Lo que aprenderás

Students will be able to extrapolate meaning from information and discovers potential outcomes
Students will be able to reach better decisions
Students will be able to stay objective in every situation
Students will be able to analize and evaluate consistence of reasoning

Contenido del Curso

Critical thinking forum. - 30 minutos

Characteristics of critical thinkers - 20 minutos

Critical Thinking importance - 15 minutos

Characteristics & importance of critical thinking Test. - 40 minutos

How to answer asking questions in critical thinking? - 15 minutos

Critical thinking development. - 30 minutos

Critical Thinking in business - 30 minutos

Development of Critical Thinking in business Test. - 40 minutos

Truth, Opinions and Fallacies - 15 minutos

What not to do in critical thinking? - 15 minutos

Critical Thinking Concepts Test. - 40 minutos

Reasoning using math logic. - 30 minutos

Reasoning using math logic Test. - 40 minutos

How to become a more
     $Gratis     $ 99.000  
      100% de descuento
            Tienes la opcion de comprar el certificado emitido
          por la Universidad de la Costa por: $50.000 COP
 Precio en dólares: 17,00 US$

         Certificado por:
  Esto incluye:
  • 5 Lecciones teóricas
  • 4 Lecciones prácticas
  • 2 Objetos Virtuales de Aprendizaje
  • 1 Foro
  Duración: 6h
  Certificado por: Multidiomas Ltda
  Categoria: Inglés para negocios
  Autor:  Multidiomas Ltda
dioma:   español

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